L'optimisme, ce n'est pas le refus de voir ce qui ne va pas, c'est le désir de ne pas s'y attarder. // Donne moi le courage de changer les choses que je peux changer, la sérénité d'accepter celles que je ne peux pas changer, et la sagesse de distinguer entre les deux. (Marc Aurèle) // Don't raise your voice; improve your argument. (Desmond Tutu) // Be the change you want to see in the world. (Gandhi)


Life is a tale told by an idiot -- 
full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

(William Shakespeare)

Your ass must get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth.

There is no PLANET B. 

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. 
(Vincent Van Gogh)

Fréquenter des gens ouverts d'esprit, optimistes, positifs, peut être contagieux. 
Vous pourriez avoir de sortir du rang et de les suivre. 


Theory vs Practice


Data is like garbage.
You'd better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it.
(Mark Twain)
... il va falloir expliquer cela à nos amis du Marketing... 
Ce n'est pas du tout la tendance du moment avec le bigdata (qui fait suite au datamining)

Change is inevitable
- except from a vending machine.
(Robert Gallagher)

The P in PM is as much about 'people management'
as it is about 'project management'.
(Cornelius Fichtner)


C'est moi seul qui déclenche !
(in Asterix, le papyrus de César)

Risk visions
- Corporate : We shouldn't do anything new! Too dangerous !
- Startup : We shouldn't do anything old! Too dangerous !

Bear @ bar


Chicago Millennium Park

Inspired by the Button Tower of the cathedral at Rouen, France, 
exemplifies the way American architects have elevated office buildings to sacred status.
 Newspaper publisher Colonel Robert R. McCormick held a $50,000.00 international competition to design, "the most beautiful and eye-catching office building in the world." In some estimations, it succeeded. The tower has all of the traditional elements of a skyscraper plus heritage expressed in flying buttresses, spires, grotesques, and more. The base of the Tribune Tower contains 120 stones from important locations all around the world, including the Parthenon, in Greece; the pyramids, in Egypt; the Taj Mahal, in India; the Alamo, in San Antonio; the Great Wall of China; and Injun Joe Cave in Missouri.

Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, fondateur de Chicago (et natif d'Haïti)

Passage impossible. Pont levant à Chicago.  Quelques minutes d'attente. 

With a little help of my friends...

If there is no way, create one. 

10 to Zen
1.Let go of comparing
2.Let go of competing
3.Let go of judgments
4.Let go of anger
5.Let go of regrets
6.Let go of worrying
7.Let go of blase
8.Let go of guilt
9.Let go of fear.
10.Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day (especially if it's  about your inability to let go of any or all of the above)
The Washington Monument was disintegrating - Why ? 

Why? Use of harsh chemicals
Why? To clean pigeon poop
Why so many pigeons? They eat spiders and there are a lot of spiders at monument
Why so many spiders? They eat gnats and lots of gnats at monument
Why so many gnats? They are attracted to the light at dusk.

Solution: Turn on the lights at a later time.

Once you've accepted your flaws 
no one can use them against you.


Hello  - Adele vs Lionel Richie

Live from Chicago

Any chance to see the Obama ? 
Le président des USA en visite à Chicago pour notamment une intervention à la conférence IACP (je croise de nombreux participants à cette conférence dans mon hôtel de Chicago ...). 

A suivre :) 

In linguistics, the Gunning fog index measures the readability of English writing. The index estimates the years of formal education needed to understand the text on a first reading. A fog index of 12 requires the reading level of a U.S. high school senior (around 18 years old). The test was developed by Robert Gunning, an American businessman, in 1952.[1]
The fog index is commonly used to confirm that text can be read easily by the intended audience. Texts for a wide audience generally need a fog index less than 12. Texts requiring near-universal understanding generally need an index less than 8.

And a simple index value with an extract of "I have a dream by Martin Luther King"

Do you know that the term triage may have originated during the Napoleonic Wars from the work of Dominique Jean Larrey.  Those responsible for the removal of the wounded from a battlefield or their care afterwards would divide the victims into three categories:
  • Those who are likely to live, regardless of what care they receive;
  • Those who are likely to die, regardless of what care they receive;
  • Those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference in outcome

At Waterloo in 1815 the courage of Dominique Jean Larrey under fire was noticed by the Duke of Wellington who ordered his soldiers not to fire in his direction so as to “give the brave man time to gather up the wounded” and saluted “the courage and devotion of an age that is no longer ours”. Larrey was taken prisoner by the Prussians and condemned to death. However, he was recognized by one of the German surgeons, who pleaded for his life. Perhaps partly because he had saved the life of Blücher's son when he was wounded and taken prisoner by the French, he was pardoned, invited to Blücher's dinner table as a guest and taken back to France under escort. He devoted the remainder of his life to writing and a civilian medical career.

What is important is seldom urgent, 
and what is urgent is seldom important.
(Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs:
the future can be better than the present,
and I have the power to make it so. 

Make a WISH

La meilleure façon de réaliser ses rêves est  de de réveiller. 
(Paul Valéry)
3h30 du matin à Chicago et je suis réveillé... la journée s'annonce longue... 


What is the difference between "I like you" and "I love you" ? 
Beautifully answered by Buddha : 
"When you like a flower you just pluck it. 
But when you love a flower, you water it daily!"

On est pas des porteurs de messages. 
On est simplement des clowns, des saltimbanques. 
(Cabu) #JeSuisCharlie

La vie c'est comme la boxe. 
Il faut essayer de rester debout, 
encaisser les coups, 
et apprendre à vivre avec des cicatrices. 

A great relationship is about two things : 
First appreciating the similarities, 
and second respecting the differences. 

Je sais que le manque prend parfois toute la place. 
(Dephine de Vigan)


Keep calm 
remember your roots. 

Tout moun se moun. 
(Every Person is a Person=We are all human beings)

Business vs IT ... It's never never like that.

Dont's wish for IT
work for IT
(Pub campaign for IT : Information Technology, 
double meaning sentence)

Tout homme est tiraillé entre deux besoins, 
le besoin de la Pirogue (c'est-à-dire du Voyage, de l'arrachement à soi-même), 
et le besoin de l'Arbre (c'est-à-dire de l'enracinement, de l'identité), 
et les hommes errent constamment entre ces deux besoins 
en cédant tantôt à l'un, tantôt à l'autre;
jusqu'au jour où ils comprennent que c'est avec l'Arbre qu'on fabrique la Pirogue. 
(Mythe mélanésien de l'Ile de Vanuatu)

Imagine if trees gave off wifi signals.
We would be planting so many trees and we'd probably save the planet too.
Too bad, they only produce the oxygene we breathe. 

A good presentation should be like a miniskirt.... 
As short as possible to catch everyone's attention.
And just long enough to cover what you need to cover. 
(Winston Churchill)

I spent a night to read. 
J'ai passé une nuit torride. 
(Nelson Monfort)

Institut International de Procrastination : Revenez demain.