L'optimisme, ce n'est pas le refus de voir ce qui ne va pas, c'est le désir de ne pas s'y attarder. // Donne moi le courage de changer les choses que je peux changer, la sérénité d'accepter celles que je ne peux pas changer, et la sagesse de distinguer entre les deux. (Marc Aurèle) // Don't raise your voice; improve your argument. (Desmond Tutu) // Be the change you want to see in the world. (Gandhi)


Ce n'est pas le Tour de France, mais l'étape est belle. 1 000 km en 7 jours pour un Parla-Montcuq. C'est le défi de Jean-Charles Loeb pour assumer le jeu de mots.
 "J’ai envisagé de faire Troyes-Foix-Sète, mais je n’ai pas trouvé de Vingt-et-Un ..."
The past is your lesson. 
                                    The present is your gift. 
                                                                          The future is your motivation


Jalabert déclarait (à la commission d'enquête) 
que son médecin était surnommé "docteur Citroën" 
par opposition au docteur d'Armstrong (Ferrari ).... 


Ceux qui font du vélo savent que dans la vie rien n'est jamais plat.
  (René Fallet)


Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. 
And sometimes, in the midlle of nowhere you find yourself.

One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead 
of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings.
 (Franklin Thomas) 


The test of courage comes when we are in the minority.

The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority
  (Ralph W. Sockman)

Exclusif : Le soldat de Marathon (490 av. J.C.) vient d'être reconnu positif. 
(Bernard Pivot, suite aux révélations de dopage de L.Jalabert, 15 ans après les faits ..)


Après le "A l'insu de mon plein gré" de Richard Virenque nous avons le "Je ne peux dire que c'est faux. Je ne peux pas dire que c'est vrai." de Laurent Jalabert, à l'occasion plus normand que béarnais.  
Conclusion ? Effet induit du dopage : la perte de mémoire et la distanciation avec la réalité.

Comment éviter .... Les décisions absurdes (livre de Christian Morel)

1.Privilégier la collégialité des décisions et l'effacement de la hiérarchie
2.Vérifier le consensus:un silence n'équivaut pas à un accord.
3.Introduire un avocat du diable pour débattre de manière contradictoire.
4.Ne pas punir les erreurs, afin que l'information remonte.
5.Appliquer le principe de la check-list, comme dans les avions.
6.Ne pas s'en remettre aveuglément à la technique et à la science.

Histoire de Zèbres : 
- moi mon papa est noire et ma maman est blanche. 
- moi, c'est l'inverse. 

TEAMwork - Together Each Achieve More

Hope is personal. 
Hope is something that no one can give you. 
You have to choose to believe in hope. 
You have to make it yourself. 
 (Joseph Kim) 


The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution. 
  (Hannah Arendt) #linkedin
Être ancien ministre, c'est s'asseoir à l'arrière d'une voiture
et s'apercevoir qu'elle ne démarre pas.
(François Goulard)
A l'UMP, nous apprenons la démocratie. C'est assez nouveau.
    (Jean-François Copé, masochiste!)

Keep cool bear !


Keep Cool, stay Zen.

When i’m working on a problem, 
i never think about beauty. 
I think only how to solve the problem.
But when i have finished,
if the solution is not beautiful, i know it is wrong.

  (Buckminster Fuller) 


Plein les bottes ! 
(photo prise en Bretagne, entre 2 averses. Merci Michel C.)
Success means having the courage,
the determination, 
and the will 
to become the person you believe you were meant to be.

(George sheehan)


Life is short, live it.
Love is rare, grab it.
Anger is bad, dump it.
Fear is awful, face it.
Memories are sweet. Cherish them


et hop, encore un ours avec le "Restez vivants. Buvez O."

de belles rencontres au Canada by Vacances Transat
Il n'y a plus de saison, 
Il n'y a plus de raison. 
 (Anne Roumanoff, Europe1)

Life is like a book. 
Some chapters are sad, 
some are happy 
and some are exciting, 
but if you never turn the pages 
you will never know 
what the next chapter has in store for you. 


Mais le dernier mot est-il dit ? L'espérance doit-elle disparaître ? La défaite est-elle définitive ? Non ! Croyez-moi, moi qui vous parle en connaissance de cause et vous dis que rien n'est perdu pour la France. Les mêmes moyens qui nous ont vaincus peuvent faire venir un jour la victoire. 
   (Charles de Gaulle)
Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy.

 (Robert A. Heinlein)


Learning without reflection is a waste. 
Reflection without learning is dangerous. 


In the beginning was the plan.
And then came the assumptions.
And the assumptions were without form.
And the plan was without substance.
And darkness was upon the face of the Workers.
And they spoke amongst themselves, saying, ‘It is a crock of dung and it stinketh.’
And the Workers went unto their Supervisors and said, ‘It is a pail of manure, and none may abide the odour thereof.’
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers, saying ‘It is a container of excrement, and it is very strong, such that none can abide by it.’
And the Managers went unto their Directors, saying ‘It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide by its strength.’
And the Directors spoke amongst themselves, saying to one another, ‘It contains that which aids growth and it is very powerful.’
And thus the Directors went unto their Chief Executive, saying unto him, ‘This plan will actively promote the growth and vigour of the company with powerful effects.’
And the Chief Executive looked upon the plan, and thought that it was good.
And the plan became Policy.



I'll be out in a moment. 
I'm bearly dressed. 


Impose ta chance,
              serre ton bonheur,
                           et va vers ton risque.
  (René Char) #quote


La spéculation est un luxe tandis que l’action est une nécessité. 
  (Henri Bergson)


In those days he was wiser than he is now;
he used to frequently take my advice.
 (Winston Churchil) #linkedin


If you keep sending away every person who challenges you, 
you'll never GROW. 
Some people are in your life to sharpen you. 
Negative thoughts are not protecting you. 
They are making you smaller.
(Robert Kiyosaki)


Always be prepared to negotiate, 
but never negotiate without being prepared. 
   (Richard Nixon) #linkedin
A commander-in-chief cannot take as an excuse for his mistakes in warfare an order given by his sovereign or his minister, when the person giving the order is absent from the field of operations and is imperfectly aware or wholly unaware of the latest state of affairs. 

It follows that any commander-in-chief who undertakes to carry out a plan which he considers defective is at fault; he must put forward his reasons, insist on the plan being changed, and finally tender his resignation rather than be the instrument of his army's downfall.” 

  (Napoleon Bonaparte) #quote


Why worry?
If there is anything that you can do to change it then change it,
if not then why worry?
  (Dalai Lama) #linkedin
C'est quand les carottes sont cuites que l'on reconnaît la vraie daube. 
  (Top Chef Philosophe Zun Tzu, In Best Practises 10 juin 2013, by Olivier Sehiaud)

In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back."  
(Charlie Brown)


Mitterrander : donner du temps au temps.
(! Ne pas confondre avec Hollander)

Hollander : attendre, faire confiance au temps. 
Ex. : après avoir failli divorcer, ils ont choisi de hollander.

 (d'après des tweets de Bernard Pivot)
It’s not whether you really cry. 
It’s whether the audience thinks you are crying.

   (Ingrid Bergman)

Keep calm and travel 

Life is change. 
Growth is optional.
Choose wisely.


Reboot your business - Reboot your life.
Your future depends on it.


Dans tout excès il y a des erreurs. 
 (Christine Boutin, ... et elle le démontre bien toute seule ....) 

Only ever work on the thing that 
will have the biggest impact. 
 (Jason Cohen)

Always know the one thing you really need to get done during the day. 


To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.
     (Montesquieu) #linkedin
Don’t let the thoughts banging around in your skull delude you into thinking this is how the world really is.
 Words are individual units of meaning that you string together to form your personal narrative about reality…
stop trying to explain everything away.
You’re a prisoner of a story you created – your autobiography.
You are limited because your thinking limits you.
  (The Zen Humanist)
Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going.
  (Tennessee Williams)