L'optimisme, ce n'est pas le refus de voir ce qui ne va pas, c'est le désir de ne pas s'y attarder. // Donne moi le courage de changer les choses que je peux changer, la sérénité d'accepter celles que je ne peux pas changer, et la sagesse de distinguer entre les deux. (Marc Aurèle) // Don't raise your voice; improve your argument. (Desmond Tutu) // Be the change you want to see in the world. (Gandhi)


Found an interesting post Effort Effect , especially if you manage any people or if you are a parent - This is a summary about Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck. It examines her thirty-year study of why some some people excel and others don’t.

The article postulates that people have two kinds of mindsets : growth or fixed.

People with the growth mindset view life as a series of challenges and opportunities for improving.

People with a fixed mindset believe that they are “set” as either good or bad.
The issue is that the good ones believe they don’t have to work hard, and the bad ones believe that working hard won’t change anything.

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